New creation by Aruán Ortiz (piano and voice), Anaïs Marviel (voice and
percussion), and Lester St. Louis (cello, voice and electronics)
Aruán Ortiz ‘Reimagining Tropiques: Then and Now, is a full-length
musical work that examines the articles, comments and essays on
negritude, creolization, and transatlantic Surrealism published by the
Martinican magazine Tropiques from 1941-1945. Using the magazine’s
articles, as a structural canvas Anaïs and Aruán have built their
collaboration as a series of musical essays, articles, and individual and
joint works on social, political, and cultural issues that resonate both with
this present moment and to those raised by the Cesare’s in the 1940s.
Reimagining Tropiques: Then and Now, has been made possiblethrough Jazz & New Music, a program of Villa Albertine and FACE Foundation,with support from the French Ministry of Culture, Institut français, SACEM(Société des auteurs, compositeurs et éditeurs de musique) and the CNM (CentreNational de la Musique)" is on the poster