We are a consortium of affiliated people from broad and diverse backgrounds who come together out of an interest in reclaiming and developing sustainable urban environments for progressive culture. Concurrent with the work we are undertaking toward the development of the new cultural campus, we present performances, exhibitions and other cultural and humanities events that build diverse audiences, foster international exchange and support grassroots development and social justice activism throughout the region.

We are interested in facilitating dialogues, building alliances and exchanging practices with similar initiatives worldwide.
ne of the hallmarks of the popularity of HotHouse was its position as a fixture in its community, a venue for public interaction among various and disparate communities. When the HotHouse space on Balbo closed, a void was created. The all-purpose community space and the kinds of international cultural exchanges it had facilitated were lost. This void has largely remained unfulfilled. Locally, multiple cohorts of grassroots activists, artists, and ad-hoc community groups are seeking to purchase a permanent site to collectively replace the kind of comprehensive resources HotHouse had extended.